Icy Tower 1.4

Monday, December 28, 2009

Though it lacks complex gameplay or a detailed plot, Icy Tower is a carefree way to kill some time. Your goal is simple, but trickier than it sounds: to advance your character as far up the icy tower as possible without falling or being knocked offscreen. You ll be able to jump higher if you run faster, but you must take care not to slip off the platforms into the abyss.

The game takes a rather humorous approach, with cartoon-style graphics that let you play as a hip-hop kid or a disco dude in a leisure suit. Although the demo version appears to disable a few of the game s more advanced features, you can still adjust the volume and reconfigure the controls to suit your taste. Icy Tower won t keep many folks on the edge of their seat, but it s likely to provide a few laughs.


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